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Search Photos

Magirus-Deutz 260 SH 110 #322

november 1993 - Mainz, MVG Betriebshof

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Mainz (Rheinland-Pfalz) | Owner: MVG Mainz | Transport Authority: RMV

Magirus-Deutz 260 SH 110 #219

21 october 2017 - München, Ständlerstraße (MVG-Museum)

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS

Magirus-Deutz 260 SH 110 #202

august 1984 - Ulm, SWU-Betriebshof

Author: hinerkduetzedytorhalfdriverProfesional RSS
Place: Ulm (Baden-Württemberg) | Owner: SWU Ulm | Transport Authority: DING

Magirus-Deutz 260 SH 110 #KCT 0919

june 1991 - Katowice, Dworzec PKP. Rzadko spotykany Magirus SH110 jako podwykonawca WPK na linii 689.

Author: Nodzyk RSS
Place: Katowice (Śląskie) | Owner: M-bus Mikołów | Route: 689

Comments: 3

Magirus-Deutz 260 SH 110 #SB 06 CAK

29 september 2008 - Sibiu, Romania – depot/zajezdnia. An odd one out in the Sibiu bus fleet is this secondhand German bus, which could have come from just about anywhere.

Author: dvigaredytor RSS

Magirus-Deutz 260 SH 110 #KAV 010A

april 2001 - Łódź, parking Tesco-Widzew

Author: mashedytor RSS

Comments: 8



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